The PositionsEquity product available on the TradeStation Strategy Network has been further enhanced for speed and performance. Look for the release of PositionsEquity ( Version 3 ). It is an invaluable tool for understanding the dynamics of your portfolio and each position within. How has your portfolio value changed historically and how is it changing now. What positions deserve your attention? Are any positions “breaking ranks”? We study the dynamics of the assets we trade, why not equally study the dynamic of your individual and composite positions?
PositionsEquity settings allow you to view your various positions in multiple ways. One of my favorites is to zero equity plots to the real time start bar, with back-adjusted historical values. I like to see how my portfolio changed in the past, but don’t care as much about past absolute values. What I care about is how it is changing now, when I can do something about it. Here is an image of a portfolio with values zeroed to the first real time bar:
Here it is a few minutes later:
I can easily see what is changing in the portfolio. I see exactly when it changed, how it changed and how it is changing now. So I can act.
And when I want to see absolute portfolio equity, I can view it as follows:
PositionsEquity is a cost-effective and powerful tool. It is available for trial, and we are here to help. Let us know if you have any questions, by contacting us at [email protected].